Today's Weekly Pick is brought to you by Scottish artist Paolo Nutini, a formidable voice and talent. His 2014 song "Iron Sky" from the album "Caustic Love" is deeply profound look into the modern world we currently live in. It's almost as if Nutini was looking into the future when writing this song... almost 4 years later it's truth and honesty rings as clear as a bell.
With the soulful swagger of a modern Curtis Mayfield or Percy Sledge, Nutini begs the listener to realize we are living in a world where the people can truly have a chance to lead, to bring love and peaceful change to every inch of this beautiful planet. WE have the power... only if WE decide to take a stand up. "Iron Sky" couldn't be anymore relevant in our current era of politics, hate and destruction. When is it enough, when have WE had enough?
The bridge includes an excerpt from the powerful speach in the 1940 Charlie Chaplin film, The Great Dictator. Extremely powerful and poignant, a shining example of what humanity can truly accomplish if we lead with love, kindness and understanding for one another.